




i have following code to show div on page

<div id="all_users">

 <div id=user11 userid=11 class=innertxt><img src=images/images.jpg width=50 height=50>    
  <ul> <li>Email: [email protected]</li>
  <li> <input type=checkbox id=select11 value=11 class=selectit /></li>
  </ul> </div>
 <div class="float_break"></div>


following code work fine and print "test in log window"

         $('#all_users .selectit').click(function() {

but when i add div from following code, it didn't show "test in log windows" mean this click event is not activated

         var new_data_var = $('<div class="innertxt" userid="1" id="user1"> <img height="50" width="50" src="images/images.jpg"><strong>Test User 01</strong><ul><li>User ID: 1</li> <li>Email: [email protected]</li><li style="padding-top: 5px;"><input type="checkbox" class="selectit" value="1" id="select1"><label for="select1">&nbsp;&nbsp;Select it.</label></li></ul></div>');

event is not called ?


+2  A: 

You have to use live():

Binds a handler to an event (like click) for all current - and future - matched element.

For example:

$('#all_users .selectit').live('click', function() {

Right now you are using click() which delegates to bind().

The main difference is that live, contrary to bind, works also with newly created DOM elements.

+1  A: 

live() method must do the trick there:

  $('#all_users .selectit').live('click', function() {

Description: Attach a handler to the event for all elements which match the current selector, now or in the future.

Source: http://api.jquery.com/live/


If you are setting the click event before you create the input box, the click event will not be registered - it will only register the click event for DOM elements that exist at that time. You can either create the input box before calling $('#all_users .selectit').click(function() { ... or by using the live() function as others have suggested, which will attach the click event for all elements that match the selector and all elements in the future.

+1  A: 

you should check that your binding the click after the dom element is created or replace bind with live which behave similarly but also affect not yet existing element.

ps: your html attribute values should be quoted. eg, type=checkbox => type="checkbox"
