I have a code-base that I'm looking to split up and add to by using threading, however I'm relatively new on how to handle it. Please before reading further respect my wish of NOT just re-writing this code and tossing it back at me with the problem solved. I would much rather work the problem out by someone pointing me in the right direction, than someone solving it FOR me; I don't learn well that way.
The fully functioning code-base is here: http://pastebin.com/x0uSraEF -- It requires the mechanize and beautifulsoup libraries which can be installed via easy_install.
I've separated out all of my functions, and tried to keep the code as clean as possible (I'm sure there are some optimizations in there that I'll get reamed for, but the main problem is how to thread this.
My ultimate goal is to pack this into a thread, and then share cookies between other initialized browser objects in order to do other things while my original code is running 'backgrounded'.
I've tried thus:
class Recon(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
#Packed the stuff above my original while loop in here, minus functions.
def run(self):
#Packed my code past the while loop in here.
somevar = Recon()
Problem I'm having is that, once I run the program it will run the things in init, but afterwards it just sits there and freezes on me. No traceback, no errors, just doesn't do anything, doesn't even return my command prompt back to my control.
Could I just get some tips, or a general flow of how to convert this? I got overwhelmed and deleted the code I was trying with so I don't have that example, but do I need to be prepending 'self.' to all of my variables? Do I need to just define my vars as global?
Here is a reproduction of what I'm having trouble with after having tried to convert the script to use threading: http://pastebin.com/tU9GFsi6