



Suppose there is an image_url column in database.

I want the user to choose from several recommended images,which is something like this:

<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />
<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />

Where the image urls are generated on the fly.

How to do this in a symfony flavor by sfForm?

I tried this:

$form->widgetSchema['key'] = new sfWidgetFormSelect(...)

But get a fatal error:

Cannot access protected property

But what's the exact way to do this?

+2  A: 

Well, standart approach is to write a widget.

In your concrete case it seems you actually want to perform a choice, right? So you have to implement another sfWidgetFormChoice renderer. To do that, inherit sfWidgetFormSelectRadio (let's call them sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage) to learn them to render labels as <img> tags. Then ask sfWidgetFormChoice explicitly to render itself with sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage class, and that should be all.

Can you illustrate with an example?
No, right now I can't. Hint: dig into and override `sfWidgetFormSelectRadio::render()`.
Thanks.But I can't find the code to **dynamically** populate the options there.
@user198729 what you mean by "dynamically"? Can you describe how it should look like?I think you just have to pass urls as options' labels.

In your form configuration insert the following:

$this->widgetSchema['choices'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice (array('choices' => $custom_values_array));
Radu Dragomir
Can't you move the logic behind the building of $custom_values_array from the action to the form?
Radu Dragomir