




Hi everybody!

I have a WSDL which contains 3 schemas inside it's "types" element. The schemas are not defined in external XSDs but inside the types element.

I want to customize an element inside schema number 2 and change it's name to avoid a conflict.

So in the schemaLocation how can I do that? Despite making the question I have the way to do this:

     <jxb:bindings node="some xpath

but I am not the one who found it but a colleague of mine who is not working with me anymore. Is there a resource where I can find the explanation for it even if I understand it? A link or a book? Somewhere where I can find also other examples.

My problem is the schemaLocation value(../wsdl-files/mywsdl.wsdl#types?schema2) not the xpath. I want to know all the possibilities to reference a schema inside a WSDL. I need a documentation for this or something.

Thank you very much


The JAXB Ri v2.1 added support for [Schema Component Designators][1], which in theory allow you to reference schema components symbolically, rather than by their file location and xpath location. In principle, this is much nicer to use, but I've never used it myself.

I'm not sure how widely supported this is, however. There's very little mention of it anywhere else other than that blog entry. It does mention it was part of the proposed spec for JAXB 2.1, so if that was passed, it should be implemented by every JAXB 2.1 implementation, including Java6. It's possible, though, that it was never actually added to the spec.

Thanks man! That looks great.But do you have anything that describes these:#types?schema2Thanks!
@DaUltimateTrooper: The point of SCD is that you don't need to specify the schema location in the binding customization, you refer to the schema elements by name.