



I need to connect to a remote server whose remote name and PORT number is specified to me. This I need to do over Unix sockets. After connecting with it, I will need to receive the messages the server sends and then send it data as it instructs me to do. I know the steps to make this client program but i'm lost as to the exact things I need to do. Also I am confused about getaddrinfo() and gethostbyname(). Can someone tell me how a real life client would do this. This may be a simple task but i am stuck as to how to start the coding. The implementation is to be done in C using gcc in linux.

Note: its not the IP Address but the remote server name given.


To get started with socket programming, you really can't go past Beej's Guide to Network Programming.

Yuck! Not only is it cluttered with incorrect information, but it's a completely stupid read, instead look at UNIX Network Programming.
Mustapha Isyaku-Rabiu

You sure don't need either of those APIs if you are given a numeric IP and port.

You need to use them to fill in a sockaddr_in, and then you can call connect(2).

In short:

  1. socket, asking for PF_INET
  2. connect, passing in your address packaged as sockaddr_in
  3. read/write
  4. close