What is the best way to go about moving a Point2D.Double x distance closer to another Point2D.Double?
Edit: Tried to edit, but so went down for maintenance. No this is not homework
I need to move a plane (A) towards the end of a runway (C) and point it in the correct direction (angle a).
Here is what I have so far, but it seems messy, what is the usual way to go about doing something like this?
//coordinate = plane coordinate (Point2D.Double)
//Distance = max distance the plane can travel in this frame
Triangle triangle = new Triangle(coordinate, new Coordinate(coordinate.x, landingCoordinate.y), landingCoordinate);
double angle = 0;
//Above to the left
if (coordinate.x <= landingCoordinate.x && coordinate.y <= landingCoordinate.y)
angle = triangle.getAngleC();
coordinate.rotate(angle, distance);
angle = (Math.PI-angle);
//Above to the right
else if (coordinate.x >= landingCoordinate.x && coordinate.y <= landingCoordinate.y)
angle = triangle.getAngleC();
coordinate.rotate(Math.PI-angle, distance);
angle = (Math.PI*1.5-angle);
The triangle class can be found at http://pastebin.com/RtCB2kSZ
Bearing in mind the plane can be in in any position around the runway point