I have a file which represents items, in one line there's Item GUID followed by 5 lines describing the item.
Line 1: Guid=8e2803d1-444a-4893-a23d-d3b4ba51baee name= line1
Line 2: Item details = bla bla
Line 7: Guid=79e5e39d-0c17-42aa-a7c4-c5fa9bfe7309 name= line7
Line 8: Item details = bla bla
I am trying to access this file first to get the GUIDs of the items meet the criteria provided using LINQ e.g. where line.Contains("line1").. This way I will get the whole line, I will extract the GUID from there, I want to pass this GUID to another function which should access the file "again", find that line (where line.Contains("line1") && line.Contains("8e2803d1-444a-4893-a23d-d3b4ba51baee")
and reads the next 5 lines starting from that line.
Is there any efficient way to do so?