I'm beginning to wonder if I am in fact too dumb to use NHibernate. I'm currently using FluentNHibernate to create simple db mappings and that's worked well for us. When dealing w/ our various classes in isolation, we're able to read and write, perform updates, etc. to all of those classes. My problem however is in trying to build up a query that involves anything more complex than filtering upon fields of the entity type. A perfect example is illustrated below--
The pertinent portions of the mappings:
public class UserMap : ClassMap<User> {
Id(u => u.Id).Column("UserID").GeneratedBy.Identity();
//other non-pertinent fields
public class RoleMap : ClassMap<Role> {
Id(r => r.Id).Column("RoleId").GeneratedByIdentity();
public class RoleMapMap : ClassMap<RoleMap> {
Id(rm => rm.Id).Column("RoleMapId").GeneratedByIdentity();
Map(rm => rm.UserId);
Map(rm => rm.RoleId);
The intent is to generate a query w/ the Criteria API to retrieve all users of a specific role--at a high level, filter rolemap based on a specific role ID, then join to Users, and return only those users.
Attempted with following, but my usage of CreateAlias is obviously flawed, as the runtime exception basically tells me that it has no idea what "RoleMap" in the below is as it relates to the User object.
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria<User>().
CreateAlias("RoleMap", "rm").
Add(Expression.Eq("rm.UserId", "UserId")).
Add(Expression.Eq("rm.RoleId", 99)).
var users = criteria.List<User>();
Can someone point me in the right direction? I'd prefer not to edit the underlying objects to expose collections--(e.g. a User.Roles[] collection) as there's cases where we specifically have tables used solely for joins but we don't want floating to the middle tier. So learning how to join isolated classes is going to matter to us.