I have a new version of my website that I'm ready to golive. This new version is in the /info directory off my root domain...
So my current website resolves to site.com
And my wordpress version which will replace it is at site.com/info
What do I need to do in order to make the switch?
I followed network solutions tech support on the initial attempt, which was to change the "Directory" assignment of www.site.com and site.com so that they both point to htdocs/info.
That worked, however, my site's stylesheet no longer appears to be working, and all my links still have the /info path in them. Do I need to simply do a find/replace on mySQL to fix the paths?
UPDATE: *I was able to resolve the issues with this simple find/replace functions on wp_options and wp_posts as shown below*...
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE (
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE (
Finally, to resolve remaining 404 issues, I had to go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and just click "Save Changes" in order to get the permalinks to resolve correctly