This weekend I was working on a project and I needed to use a binomial distribution to test the probability of an event (the probability that x of y characters would be alphanumeric given random bytes). My first solution was to write the test myself since it is rather simple.
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
def binomial_prob(n,k,p):
bin_coeff = (factorial(n))/(factorial(k)*factorial(n-k))
return = bin_coeff * pow(p,k) * pow((1 - p),(n-k))
And I used that. However, SciPy includes a binom_test method that does exactly this. But, for distribution this probably increases the size significantly (both SciPy and NumPy would be required) and it is for a relatively simple test. I suppose an auxiliary question is how intelligent is py2exe. Does it just import the modules I use from SciPy and NumPy, or the whole libraries. I expect just the modules that I reference, but I guess the next question is on how many modules does SciPy.stats depend on. But I digress... So my question is this, when should I use code already written at the cost of including far more than I need, and when should I just write my own implementation?
(I tagged this as python, but I suppose it could be a more general question)