I am using Symfony1.4.1 and that uses Doctrine 1.2.1 (I think).
I have been trying to make a function that did all the above myself, when I found one that already exists.
Try this in any function and look at the results:
I am going to try two different things:
A/ put $this->refreshRelated() into the constructor of all my model objects.
B/ write a function that takes an array depicting the object graph that I want populated. Calling the function refereshRelatedGraph($objectGraphArray). With the right structure of the array (having all the appropriate relation names at each level), I could control which relations get populated and which don't. One use for this is to populate only children, not parent relations. The other is for when a ERD/Schema/ObjectGraph has an element that is 'owned' by more than one object (many to many, other special circumstances that I have), I could control which side of the relationships get pre(non lazy) loaded.