



I'm looking into video playback in Java and I'm trying to find out all of the licensing options.

Currently I haven't managed to find out any info about what (if any) license is applicable to WMV.

Does anyone know?

+1  A: 

Windows Media Licensing Royalties for Final Products. Note the $1 million annual fee for a decoder/encoder that runs on a non-Windows OS. That's after the package discount, but before royalties. :)

Matthew Flaschen
Otherwise known as a "go away" fee.
Michael Petrotta
Maybe I'm not understanding the fees properly, but that seems like an amazing amount of money for a fee.
@contactmatt: frequently, individuals or groups will be able to do something, but really, **really** don't want to. Maybe they're overbooked, understaffed, or just don't like a technology. Rather than just saying "no", they set their fee very high.
Michael Petrotta
Not saying that's what MS is doing here, but it smells like it.
Michael Petrotta
Thanks, I've sent of an email to the licensing peeps in high hopes
James Carr

Try and look at something called Windows DRM. Maybe this would be the answer to your question... although I am not sure if I understand your problem correctly...