I'm trying to use python + ffmpeg + oggenc to convert any audiofile to ogg. The program works, almost. But for big files (i think > ~6mb) the ffmpeg process starts to sleep at pipe_wait. I don't know which pipe it waits for.
If I kill the ffmpeg process, the oggenc process continues and I get a resulting ogg-file with about ~2:40 of all the sound.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from sys import argv
ffmpeg = Popen([
"-i", argv[1],
"-vcodec", "null",
"-acodec", "pcm_s16le",
"-ac", "2",
"-ab", "44100",
"-f", "wav",
],stdout = PIPE,stderr = PIPE)
oggenc = Popen([
"-", "--raw",
"-q", "4",
"-o", argv[2]
],stdin = ffmpeg.stdout,stderr = PIPE)
Thought I might add that this works perfectly:
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vcodec null -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ab 44100 -f wav - | oggenc - --raw -q 4 -o "$2"