In my ruby on rails app I am trying to use a Prototype Form.Element.Observer to run a count of the characters in a message. This works fine on Firefox/Safari/Chrome, but not on IE. On IE the observer simply does not fire. Is there a fix or a different way of doing this?
My ruby tag looks like this:
<%= countdown_field('txtmsg[memo]','memo-counter', 141, :frequency => 0.10) %>
The countdown_field function looks like this:
def countdown_field(field_id,update_id,max,options = {})
function = "$('#{update_id}').innerHTML = (#{max} - $F('#{field_id}').length);"
def count_field_tag(field_id,function,options = {})
out = javascript_tag function, :defer => 'defer'
out += observe_field(field_id, options.merge(:function => function))
return out
The resultant HTML looks like this:
<textarea class="memo-tag text txtmsg-memo" id="txtmsg[memo]" name="txtmsg[memo]" />
<p>You have <span id="memo-counter">...</span> characters left.</p>
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
$('memo-counter').innerHTML = (141 - $F('txtmsg[memo]').length);
<script type="text/javascript">
new Form.Element.Observer('txtmsg[memo]', 0.1, function(element, value) {
$('memo-counter').innerHTML = (141 - $F('txtmsg[memo]').length);})