I'm attempting to use JQuery to create a dynamic page header using an image that exists in the article. I plan to give the image a class (.thumbnail). I want to remove the image from the article once it is used for the header. Here is the logic:
- Find IMG tag with .thumbnail class
- Move that image to a new DIV (#dynHeader), class it .Image1
- Scale the image to x pixels in height, maintain aspect for width
- Find the width of the newly scaled image (var remainWidth)
- Calculate the remaining width of #dynHeader
- Duplicate the IMG to the right of .Image1, call it .Image2
- Set its width to the value of remainWidth
- Crop it to the height of .Image1
- Position it on the Y axis with a specific value
I need to know how to find and duplicate the IMG .thumbnail. I'm sure more problems will surface as I continue working through this, but I am completely stuck. Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there a way to place the same image on the page twice?
Thanks for any help.
Edit: I'm posting the solution as I'm using it on my site for anyone else who might run into this problem. Took the code from the answer and tweaked it to function correctly.
//need to clone before removing class so that the original is deletable later.
var cache = $('img.thumbnail').clone().removeClass('thumbnail').addClass('Image1').css('float','left');
//remove the original from the text
//attach the cloned image to the header
//find the ratio
var ratio = (cache.width() / cache.height());
//set variable to hold image height
var imageHeight = (365);
//set variable to hold image width
var imageWidth = (imageHeight*ratio);
//set the image height & width
//figure the amount of width remaining in the header
var remainWidth = $('#dynHeader').width() - imageWidth;
//clone the header image
var dupe = cache.clone();
//work with the cloned image - change the class to Image2, set the width and height dupe.removeClass('Image1').addClass('Image2').css("width",remainWidth+"px").css("height","auto");
//place Image2 to the right of Image1
Then I used some CSS to position Image2 and hide the overflow (the zoom & crop effect I was shooting for).
height: 365px;
overflow: hidden;
margin-bottom: 30px;
position: relative;
top: -150px;
Hope this helps someone else! Thanks Alex for pointing this the right way.