



I have already made a site in MOSS 2007. There are couple of issues with it so the company has decided to redesign the site.

Now what I want is some general recommendations as to the best possible approach for restructuring the site. What should be the first steps to move ahead. Should I start with navigation followed by groups and roles? What is the best approach to start with given above scenario.

Thanks in advance...!


+1  A: 

Your question is so generalized, Answering it exactly is not possible because Design & Planning is a huge topic by itself. But it is not so different from the traditional software development practise

I would suggest you

  1. Start with Planning & Design the Excel sheet in the Article will allow you to get started. Filled in excel sheet will serve as a Reference through out the project.
  2. See out of the Requirement you have, what can be achieved out of the Box & what needs to be developed custom. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT STEP

  3. Check your existing Application for any code or customization that can be reused.

  4. Start with a little site,review & consult with the user, change and do this iteration till completion.
exactly what I was in the middle of to devide the site structure to match your permission requirements... let departments have thier own sub sites.. makes much more logical sense in the long term...
Hi KusekThanks for your quick reply.