Here in Switzerland, people under 26 that have a cell phone contract with Swisscom can send 500 sms per month for free using the website https://xtrazone.sso.bluewin.ch/.
Until a few days ago, this site was structured quite simply, it had a login and an inputbox to enter the sms. That's why i wrote a perl script (http://github.com/gwrtheyrn/Xtrazone-SMS-Tool) to send sms over that service using curl. That worked perfectly.
Now they rewrote the entire site, and I'm faced with the following problems to be able to rewrite the script:
- There's a CAPTCHA after the login has been entered
- The loginbox gets loaded using javascript and processes the input using ajax
- The box to enter the receiver isn't a standard input box, it's a special javascript inputbox
My remaining questions:
- How can i bypass the captcha? I thought of Tesseract (http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/). That would probably work with perl (there's a wrapper for it).
- Is there some way to execute the JavaScript actions without having to start a browser? I want to keep the tool command-line-only.
Thanks in advance.