hey there,
I'm having a hard time getting my AJAX requests to work on a staging server. It all worked fine on my development machine, but as soon as I uploaded it, all my AJAX requests stopped working. I found out that, if I change the relative urls (eg. "index.php") to absolute urls ("http://mydomain.com/index.php") the requests work again, but I do not understand why.
Example request:
jQuery.post('index.php', {id: 1234, action: 1, step: 1}, function(data) { // something });
This does not work, I does not even show up in the firebug console. The success handler is called though, which is very confusing.
This works just fine:
jQuery.post('http://mydomain.com/index.php', {id: 1234, action: 1, step: 1}, function(data) { // something });
Can anybody explain why AJAX requests behave in this way? x_X