What is the easiest way to do a GAE/J datastore backup?
It looks like there is python bulkloader.py tool to do backup for Python apps, but what should I do to backup Java app? Is there any way to use python tool?
What is the easiest way to do a GAE/J datastore backup?
It looks like there is python bulkloader.py tool to do backup for Python apps, but what should I do to backup Java app? Is there any way to use python tool?
Just set up remote_api for your app using the directions here - notably the tip:
Tip: If you have a Java app, you can use the Python bulkloader.py tool by installing the Java version of the remote_api handler, which is included with the Java runtime environment. The handler servlet class is com.google.apphosting.utils.remoteapi.RemoteApiServlet.
Then, use the Python bulkloader with --dump or --restore.
It is possible to use python tool bulkloader.py to create datastore backup of GAE Java app. You just have to set up remote_api by adding following lines to web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Add this to your web.xml to enable remote API on Java. -->
After that you can use bulkloader.py with --dump to download backup and with --restore to upload backup to datastore.
Or if you can, you may wait for the datastore backup-restore feature in GAE upcoming versions as seen in the roadmap. http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/roadmap.html