If i have this code
s = 'abcdefghi'
for grp in (s[:3],s[3:6],s[6:]):
print "'%s'"%(grp)
total = calc_total(grp)
if (grp==s[:3]):
# more code than this
p = total + random_value
x1 = my_function(p)
if (grp==s[3:6]):
# more code than this
p = total + x1
x2 = my_function(p)
if (grp==s[6:]):
# more code than this
p = total + x2
x3 = my_function(p)
If the group is the first group, perform code for this group, if the group is the second group, perform code using the a value generated from code performed for the first group, the same applies for the third group, using a generated value from code for the second group:
How can i tidy this up to use better looping?