(or Here are the code essentials:
$host = "";
xml_set_character_data_handler($xmlparser, "tagContents");
function tagContents($parser, $data) {
global $current;
global $host;
if ($current == "HOST") {
$host = $data; // Trying to store a global here
if ($current == "PATH") {
echo $host.$data; // But its null when I get here. WHY??
I am trying to append the path to host like this to create a one-line URL, because xmlparse puts a newline after each echo. So alternately, if anyone could tell me how to prevent the newline, that would solve my problem too!
By the way:
- I also tried referencing the super-global $GLOBALS['host'] with the same result
- I only have PHP4 available from my host server (otherwise I'd use SimpleXML)
Thanks, bob