



Hi. I have a Python project with following directory structure:

/(some files)
/model/(python files)
/tools/(more python files)

So, I have Python files in couple subdirectories and there are some dependencies between directories as well: tools are used by model, etc. Now my problem is that I want to make doctests for both models and tools, and I want be able to run tests from command line like this: ./model/ . I can make this work, but only with messy boilerplate code. I would like to know what is the correct way, or is there any?

Question: How should I write my imports?

Thanx. Here is an example...

Content of tools/

#!/usr/bin/env python
   >>> is_four(21)
   >>> is_four(4)

def is_four(val):
    return val == 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

... and model/

#!/usr/bin/env python   
   >>> car = Car()
   >>> car.ok()

from tools.tool import *

class Car(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tire_count = 4
    def ok(self):
        return is_four(self.tire_count)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

By adding following lines in the begin of it works, but doesn't look nice. :(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    import os
+1  A: 

Use packages. Add an file to your working directory and all subfolders then your imports will search the parent directories if it doesn't find the module in the current directory.


Also this question is a duplicate of:

Pierre-Antoine LaFayette
Actually, I just tried that, and relative import as well, and it doesn't seem to solve the OP problem. Funny that such a simple question can be so puzzling...

Don't frob sys.path in this manner. Instead either use $PYTHONPATH to force the base directory in when invoking python, or use python -m from that directory.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
That doesn't seem right. You can't setup the env to fit a software needs, or you would have trouble for deployments.
@e-satis: With deployments the proper entries would already be in `sys.path` and you wouldn't need to touch the env.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
When your user will want to test your module, you will give them the choice between running python -m for each dir of your app or installing them in the site-packages ?
@e-satis: Testing is not something most users will be expected to do, so having them jump through a bit of a hoop... is not really something I'd be concerned with. If enough complain then toss them a shell script or batch file.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Honestly, when I take time to test a module, if it doesn't run out of the box with nose, I skip to the next one...
This works but it still requires me to run test scripts with *PYTHONPATH=$PWD python model/* or *python -m model/car model/* but not with *./model/*.(The production system have of course sys.path set up correctly.)

What you are trying to do is a relative import. It works fine in Python, but on the module level, not on the file system level. I know, this is confusing.

It means that if you run a script in a subdir, it doesn't see the upper dirs because for the running script, the root of the module is the current dir: there is no upper module.

So what are relative imports for?

Well, module in subdirs car import module in upper dirs as long as they are themself imported from a upperdir.

In your case it means you must run your scripts from "/" so it becomes the root of the module, and the submodules are allowed to use relative import.

A possible solution to your problem is to remove your if __name__ == "__main__" block and create /

import doctest
from model import car
from tools import tool


Then run in too launch all the tests.

Ultimately you will want to automatize the process, a simple solution is to use unittest so you can create test suites and just add the module names you want to test:

import unittest
import doctest

modules = ("", 

suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for mod in modules:
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()

Another solution (recommended) is to use a tool such as nose that automates this for you.

easy_install nose
nosetests --with-doctest # done :-)

And by the way, avoid from x import *. This works for quick scripts, but when your program will grow, you really will need to explicitly name what you import. Either import x or from x import y

Maybe this is the best *available* solution. The downside is that now I have to run all tests in a one suite, and there are some very sloooow network dependent tests. :( Anyway, thanks for the answer.*nose* and future (?) keyword package (PEP366 from Pierre links) sound also worth of more investigation.