I am looking to replace \n
with \\n
but so far my regex attempts are not working (Really it is any \ by itself, \n just happens to be the use case I have in the data).
What I need is something along the lines of:
any-non-\ followed by \ followed by any-non-\
Ultimately I'll be passing the regex to java.lang.String.replaceAll so a regex formatted for that would be great, but I can probably translate another style regex into what I need.
For example I after this program to print out "true"...
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
final String original;
final String altered;
final String expected;
original = "hello\nworld";
expected = "hello\\nworld";
altered = original.replaceAll("([^\\\\])\\\\([^\\\\])", "$1\\\\$2");
using this does work:
altered = original.replaceAll("\\n", "\\\\n");