



I have a model similar to this:

public class myModel 
    public ClassA ObjectA {get; set;}
    public ClassB ObjectB {get; set;}

In my main view, I have tags similar to this:

<div id="section1">
    <%=Html.EditorFor(m => m.ObjectA)%>
<div id="section2">
    <%=Html.EditorFor(m => m.ObjectB)%>

ClassA and ClassB both have Editor templates defined.

I created some JavaScript that makes an AJAX call to reload the section1 div. I want the action method to return the editor for ObjectA, ClassA.ascx that is in the EditorTemplates folder.

I have the following in my Action method:

public ActionResult GetData(int input) 
    // Process input here and create modelData

    return PartialView("ClassA", modelData);

This gives an error because it cannot find the ClassA view.

My solution has been to create a PartialView in the Views folder called "GetData" and my return renders the GetData view. The GetData view has only one line of code:


This does work, but I was wondering if there was a way for an action method to return and editor template?

Thanks to any suggestions you can provide.

+2  A: 
return PartialView("~/EditorTemplates/ClassA.ascx", modelData);
Darin Dimitrov
That doesn't work. It still cannot find the template. However, it appears that it only searched the location "~/EditorTemplates/ClassA.ascx", which I wasn't expecting.
However, giving the full path from application root does work. For example, "~/Views/MyView/EditorTemplates/ClassA.ascx". I didn't know you could do this.
this is wicked awesome, you completely solved the problem I was having!