



I've just installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate on my desktop PC. I installed IIS, Visual Studio 2008, registered ASP.NET, etc.

I have this ASP.NET 3.5 website I'm working on running EXTREMELY slow on this new IIS. On STA and PROD servers (Windows 2003 Server) and on my old XP/IIS 5.1 everything runs smoothly.

A page which usually takes 1-2 seconds to load is taking 8 seconds!!!

I saw this post on IIS forum. It says something about Vista/7 not pooling connections (just to let you know, the website is running locally but it's connecting to a SQL Server 2005 hosted on a remote server).

It seems that it takes a while to "start loading" the page... I mean, I click refresh and it stays for several seconds "Waiting for localhost"... Then when it gets response it loads the whole page normally...

I don't have a clue how to force Win7/IIS7.5 to pool database connections.

EDIT: I've created a new empty ASP.NET web application to see if the problems happens too. The answer is no, it responds fast as it should with an empty default page. Maybe is something related to the DB connection. I will do a further test. It should be a way to fix it...

EDIT 2: Debugging the app I noticed that the delay occurs AFTER the execution of .NET code (Page_Load, etc)... so the delay seems to be somewhere when IIS serves the page to the browser.


You can try running multiple processes as application pools:

  • Open IIS
  • Click Application Pools
  • Right click the app pool for your app and click Advanced Settings
  • Find the "Maximum Worker Processes" and update it to 3 (or the number of processes you want to allow to run).
Update it to 3... Nothing changed.... It seems that it takes a while to "start loading" the page... I mean, I click refresh and it stays for several seconds "Waiting for localhost"... Then when it gets response it loads the whole page normally...
That sounds like every request is reactivating the service. Check the service keep-alive timeout is set to zero.

For those having the same problem, here's the solution.

It says firefox, but the 2nd solution (hosts file) applies for every browser.

Gah the link is down!
Ian Devlin

Love you, the firefox config solved my issue since I had no performance issue with google chrome I didnt go to hosts file
