
Connection Pooling in .NET/SQL Server?

Is it necessary or advantageous to write custom connection pooling code when developing applications in .NET with an SQL Server database? I know that ADO.NET gives you the option to enable/disable connection pooling -- does that mean that it's built into the framework and I don't need to worry about it? Why do people talk about writing...

Connection pooling in PHP

Is it possible to cache database connections when using PHP like you would in a J2EE container? If so, how? ...

Why is the 'Resource Pool' not supported on the current platform?

What could be the possible causes for the following exception? System.PlatformNotSupportedException: 'ResourcePool' is not supported on the current platform. at System.EnterpriseServices.Platform.Assert(Boolean fSuccess, String function) at System.EnterpriseServices.Platform.Assert(Version platform, String function) at System.E...

What is the best solution for database connection pooling in python?

I have developed some custom DAO-like classes to meet some very specialized requirements for my project that is a server-side process that does not run inside any kind of framework. The solution works great except that every time a new request is made, I open a new connection via MySQLdb.connect. What is the best "drop in" solution...

ODBC Connection Pool

I'm having trouble with ODBC connection pool I've read the article Frequently Asked Questions About ODBC Connection Pooling and setup everything to make use of ODBC connection pool. The problem is, after I release the connection it is not returned to the pool. Instead it is hard closed. I check it using Performance monitor utility in W...

PowerBuilder database connection pool? How-to

How to make database connection pool in PowerBuilder (v9+) with... ...ODBC? ...SQL Server? ...Oracle? ...

.NET ODBC Connection Pooling

I open a connection like this: Using conn as New OdbcConnection(connectionString) conn.Open() //do stuff End Using If connection pooling is enabled, the connection is not physically closed but released to the pool and will get reused. If it is disabled, it will be physically closed. Is there any way of knowing programmaticall...

Is there any way to have the JBoss connection pool reconnect to Oracle when connections go bad?

We have our JBoss and Oracle on separate servers. The connections seem to be dropped and is causing issues with JBoss. How can I have the JBoss reconnect to Oracle if the connection is bad while we figure out why the connections are being dropped in the first place? ...

.Net Multithreading: SQL ConnectionPool

In a VB.Net Windows Service I'm currently pooling units of work with: ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(operation, nextQueueID) In each unit of work (or thread I'll use for ease of understanding), it will make a couple MSSQL operations like so: Using sqlcmd As New SqlCommand("", New SqlConnection(ConnString)) With sqlcmd ...

How Do I Profile the ADO.NET Connection Pool?

I'm profiling a ASP.NET web application. I believe it is very database connection intensive (excessive use of the ADO.NET connection pool). How to I tell w/out debugging how many times it is going to the pool and on average how many connections are available in the pool? Are there counters that will give me this info in PerfMon or some o...

IIS Connection Pool interrogation/leak tracking

Per this helpful article I have confirmed I have a connection pool leak in some application on my IIS 6 server running W2k3. The tough part is that I'm serving 300 websites written by 700 developers from this server in 6 application pools, 50% of which are .NET 1.1 which doesn't even show connections in the CLR Data performance counter...

How to detect SqlServer connection leaks in a applications ?

I'm currently doing some GUI testing on a 2.0 application. The RDBMS is SQL Server 2005. The host is Win Server 2003 / IIS 6.0. I do not have the source code of the application because it was programmed by an external company who's not releasing the code. I've noticed that the application performs well when I restart IIS but a...

how to close connection/datareader when using SqlDataSource or ObjectDataSource

Hi, during beta testing we discovered connection pooling error messages . Therefore I have been going through the code and closing down the SqlDataReader objects wherever they have been left unclosed. What I need to know is how to close a datareader (or if there is a need at all to close) that is specified in the SelectStatement attribu...

Connection pooling in hsqldb

What is the best way to implement connection pooling in hsqldb, without compromising on the speed? ...

How do you setup your connection pool?

What is the best way to setup your pool with respect to:- When do you create connections? When do you close connections, and would you close all of them? Do you test connections are still good. When and how? How do you figure out a good number for the maximum number of connections? What sort of monitoring do you have in place to ensur...

Prepared statement pooling in dbcp

Can someone explain how exactly prepared connection pooling using dbcp can be used? (with some example code if possible). I've figured out how to turn it on - passing a KeyedObjectPoolFactory to the PoolableConnectionFactory. But how should the specific prepared statements be defined after that? Right now, I'm only using a PoolingDataSo...

How to handle: Communication link failure

Hello, We're using Spring 2.5.4/Hibernate 3.2/Websphere Application Server We've deployed the application on an AIX box. The next day when I come in, I try to log into the application. I get this exception on the page: Error 500: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailu...

How to use connection pool with java,MySQL and Tomcat 6

How can I use Connection pool in Java+MySQL+Tomcat 6? I've read this article but it is still not quite clear for me. Where do I use the Connector/J? Do I put it in a static variable? Do I use a SessionListener? Does it need any configuration? Thank ...

Avoid connection timeout when using multiple threads and connection pool

I'm splitting up a readonly database operation into multiple chunks, (Each of which reads a subset of a very large amount of data, analyzes it and writes the results to a disk file). Each chunk performs a Select (into a datatable) on a new .net thread (using a delegate and BeginInvoke) There are more subsets of the data than there are ...

Mysql connection pooling question: is it worth it?

I recall hearing that the connection process in mysql was designed to be very fast compared to other RDBMSes, and that therefore using a library that provides connection pooling (SQLAlchemy) won't actually help you that much if you enable the connection pool. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm leery of enabling it because o...