I'm trying to get results from a SOAP service called Chrome ADS (for vehicle data). They provided php and Java samples, but I need python (our site is in Django). My question is:
What should I be passing as a request to the SOAP service when using wsdl2py-generated classes?
Following the examples I'm using a DataVersionsRequest object as the request parameter, but the code generated by wsdl2py seems to want a getDataVersions object, and there's something like that defined at the bottom of the generated _client.py file. But that too seems to throw an error. So I'm not sure what I should be passing as the request obj. Any suggestions?
$sudo apt-get install python-zsi
$wsdl2py http://platform.chrome.com/***********
>>> url = "http://platform.chrome.com/***********"
>>> from AutomotiveDescriptionService6_client import *
>>> from AutomotiveDescriptionService6_types import *
>>> locator = AutomotiveDescriptionService6Locator()
>>> service = locator.getAutomotiveDescriptionService6Port()
>>> locale = ns0.Locale_Def('locale')
>>> locale._country="US"
>>> locale._language="English"
>>> acctInfo = ns0.AccountInfo_Def('accountInfo')
>>> acctInfo._accountNumber=*****
>>> acctInfo._accountSecret="*****"
>>> acctInfo._locale = locale
>>> dataVersionsRequest = ns0.DataVersionsRequest_Dec()
>>> dataVersionsRequest._accountInfo = acctInfo
>>> service.getDataVersions(dataVersionsRequest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "AutomotiveDescriptionService6_client.py", line 36, in getDataVersions
raise TypeError, "%s incorrect request type" % (request.__class__)
TypeError: <class 'AutomotiveDescriptionService6_types.DataVersionsRequest_Dec'> incorrect request type
>>> dataVersionsRequest = getDataVersions
>>> dataVersionsRequest._accountInfo = acctInfo
>>> service.getDataVersions(dataVersionsRequest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "AutomotiveDescriptionService6_client.py", line 36, in getDataVersions
raise TypeError, "%s incorrect request type" % (request.__class__)
AttributeError: class DataVersionsRequest_Holder has no attribute '__class__'
>>> quit()
$cat AutomotiveDescriptionService6_client.py
# Locator
class AutomotiveDescriptionService6Locator:
AutomotiveDescriptionService6Port_address = "http://platform.chrome.com:80/AutomotiveDescriptionService/AutomotiveDescriptionService6"
def getAutomotiveDescriptionService6PortAddress(self):
return AutomotiveDescriptionService6Locator.AutomotiveDescriptionService6Port_address
def getAutomotiveDescriptionService6Port(self, url=None, **kw):
return AutomotiveDescriptionService6BindingSOAP(url or AutomotiveDescriptionService6Locator.AutomotiveDescriptionService6Port_address, **kw)
# Methods
class AutomotiveDescriptionService6BindingSOAP:
def __init__(self, url, **kw):
kw.setdefault("readerclass", None)
kw.setdefault("writerclass", None)
# no resource properties
self.binding = client.Binding(url=url, **kw)
# no ws-addressing
# op: getDataVersions
def getDataVersions(self, request, **kw):
if isinstance(request, getDataVersions) is False:
raise TypeError, "%s incorrect request type" % (request.__class__)
# no input wsaction
self.binding.Send(None, None, request, soapaction="", **kw)
# no output wsaction
response = self.binding.Receive(getDataVersionsResponse.typecode)
return response
getDataVersions = GED("urn:description6.kp.chrome.com", "DataVersionsRequest").pyclass
Also, as an aside, I'm not sure that the strings I'm passing to the pname parameter are correct, I assume that those are the ones I see inside the XML when I explore the service with SOAP UI, right?