+4  A: 

They do the same thing, but or has a lower precedence than || (and, in fact, or has a lower precedence than most of the other operators).

they don't do the same thing because the same block of code will render a different output.
What do you mean by lower precedence?
Precedence defines order of operations. For example, `*` has a higher precedence than `+`, so the expression `1 + 2 * 3` returns `7` because the multiplication is done first.
+1  A: 

Your conclusions about the examples are incorrect.

if true || true || false
  puts 'something'
  puts 'nothing'

This code outputs 'something' because that's how the 'logical or' operation works. It reads like "if at least one of condition1 or condition2 or condition3 are true...".

The second example is exactly the same, but only because of the rules of precedence in Ruby.

+10  A: 

or the second example all variables are checked and if one is true then it will execute "do something".

This is false sentence.

As a result your assumptions are not correct.

Both or and || do the same thing.

The main difference is that or has lower precedence than ||. So you should pay attention to more complex evaluations:

# Simple cases are not confusing
false || true # true
false or true # true

# This is more complex
a = false || true # a=true
a = false or true # a=false

# Also similarly as 1 + 2*3 returns 7, the following returns true:
false or false||true # true
a = false or false||true   # a=false
a = (false or false||true) # a=true

Here is a list of operators precedence.

So the real difference will be noticed if you use the expression that includes any of the following operators:

  • .. ... - Range (inclusive and exclusive)
  • ? : - Ternary if-then-else
  • = %= { /= -= += |= &= >>= <<= *= &&= ||= **= - Assignment
  • defined? - Check if specified symbol defined
  • not - Logical negation
  • and - Logical composition

there might be others too.

You can thing about the difference between those as different between + and *: ||==* and or=+. The same applies to and and not.

You should really pay attention to that.

Personally I prefer || operator as its semantics is well understood and avoid or.

While it 'feels' like or is more friendly in many cases (see my code sample), even in trivial ones, it is a source of bugs.

Dmytrii Nagirniak
Your answer is much better than mine! I would add for the non-rubyists (and non-perl..ers?) that `or` is primarily used in situations like: `x = get_some_string or ""`. In this situation `get_some_string` could return nil or other 'falsy' value and x would become the empty string. Like Dmitriy says, though, `||` works perfectly well here too, it's just a convention you'll see occasionally in the ruby world (probably this is a carry-over from perl).
@thenduks: "x would become the empty string" No, it wouldn't. If you do `x = nil or ""`, x will be `nil`, not `""`. `""` will simply be the returned value of the expression.
Hmm quite right, `=` binds tighter than `or` does... My example was a poor one, then.