




Nice this forum do not require registration. I need kind stackoverflow users to guide me through gloomy path i am walking...my story is -

I was working in Non-IT Company(Manufacturing) with 2+ years of experience and lost my job in recession time, after 5-6 months i started searching job but not in the same domain but in Software development and more specifically in Java. the reason is my affinity towards programming....by hard i have learned some fundamental of this language for example core java cmd-line programs, swing application with database connectivity etc.

I am projecting myself as a 2+ years java professional because as a fresher it is tough to get jobs. I also found that majority of jobs today are only in advance java like j2EE with XML etc. learning those are tough in short time i have.

From respected members of this forum i need advice

  • How do i tackle this situation when i dont know those advance technologies and they demand.

  • What kind of project i can show in Core java and what interview questions i should expect.

  • Suppose i start learning advance java what is the bare minimum that will take off me to the market.

Any other guidance highly appreciate.

Thanks in advance

+6  A: 

I hate to say it, but you aren't going to become proficient in J2EE in a short period of time.

However, your best bet to get a leg up is to start writing some simple Web apps, ideally using Tomcat.

I'd start with a simple Blog, Forum, and Wiki - These are some of the simplest apps to make, and are a good start.

If you're smart and have the ability to quickly grasp the basic concepts, you may be able to work your way to bluffing an entry level position in a month or so.

If you walk into a position claiming 2+ years experience, people will figure you out pretty quickly. I suggest being fairly honest and aiming for entry level.

Some of the best programmers I've ever met are not formally trained, instead they just took an interest and worked hard - so don't let the lack of an I.T. degree stop you.

+4  A: 

Be open to employees and yourself ! If u have no 2+ experience in that area, dont say you have it ! Soon or later other developers will realize it and you will waste your and company's time and money. Apply for junior positions and keep learning things. I know, it's not easy to find junior jobs, but in this case you have no other choice.

Stewie Griffin
+6  A: 

One tip - and I'm not trying to be picky or rude - be careful not to write it as "JAVA" (all capital letters) as you did in the title of this question, it is correctly spelt "Java". This is something that annoys many people in the industry and that's not a good way to start a job application.

Along the same lines, it's "Java EE", not "J2EE". The "2" has been dropped.
+1  A: 

You can go a long way with Java EE knowing JDBC and servlets/JSPs. Start with those.

If you do write JSPs, you must write them properly using JSTL. No scriptlets.

Learn how to deploy to Tomcat.

You can make a good case with those.

XML isn't that big a deal. It won't take long to understand it enough to get by.

Good luck.
