I'm trying to set up a Django project in Eclipse, and I'm getting stuck while trying to set up the development server for Run & Debug configurations. I've been following the following example: http://pydev.blogspot.com/2006/09/configuring-pydev-to-work-with-django.html.
I've created a new run configuration in Eclipse, set the project and main module settings, and specified the "runserver --noreload" argument. When I click on the "Run" or "Debug" icons in Eclipse, I see a notice in the console informing me that "Development server is running at".
When I visit the site in a browser I get the following error: "OperationalError at / no such table: django_content_type". I've removed the database and re-run "manage.py syncdb", and the django_content_type table is indeed created. When I try to run the development server from a terminal - passing the same arguments (python manage.py runserver --noreload) - the site runs perfectly.
I remember reading about someone who had the same problem, and they seemed to believe it was a threading issue, but they hadn't found a fix for the problem. Any help would be really appreciated