Hi, I'm getting the filenotfoundexception on my apps directory but my directory clearly exists. I'm doing this on my local machine. I'm doing a very simple post to a servlet. Does anyone knw what could be happening?
4A few of thoughts (hopefully you haven't tried them :-):
Do you have read access to the directory?
Try putting in something like: System.out.println("the directory = " + directory);
assuming "directory" is the File variables that holds the directory.
Try putting in something like: System.out.println("the directory exists = " + directory.exists());
and making sure it returns true.
is it "in plain view" (==on the file system) or inside a jar/war ? if its packaged up, you cant access it as a file and you need to use things like
there's also getSYstemResourceAsStream, which is a static method os class ClassLoader ...
Do you have traversal authority to all intervening path segments, and appropriate authority to the final file?
it turns out this was due to my firewall (firestarter) blocking my servers ip address. I allowed the exception and everything worked.