



Hello. I'm really interested in learning really advanced features of WPF to learn how to create advanced controls, but apparently I'm running out of resources, and possibly, imagination.

I have these 4 books:

  1. WPF Control Development Unleashed Experiences
  2. Pro WPF 2008 Presentation Professionals
  3. Programming WPF Chris Sells
  4. WPF in Action Visual Studio 2008

One finished, two other half way, the other one just started. I sort of expected more from the "WPF Control Development Unleashed" one.

Anyway, do you know any more books about advanced WPF features, and control building? Or even about how WPF works internally. Let me know what are your favorite WPF books, maybe I've overlooked some of them.


+2  A: 

Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed

alt text

Very good for getting your basics right.

[MUST READ] Chapter 3 : Important New Concepts in WPF.

Thanks, I actually bought this one, but it was for WPF 3.0. Do you think it's worth it buying it for 3.5?
No need to buy again for 3.5. I guess the old copy accompanied by latest blog posts by wpf experts should do. :)
Cool, it's in my office, so I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the tip! And for fixing the links =)
+2  A: 

I've used Reflector to decompile and read the WPF code and learn how it works under the hood.

I've been able to leverage this knowledge to good effect in my own custom control building efforts.

Peter Stephens
It's also amazing how many useful components in the framework are marked private or internal. I've had to re-write large chunks of an existing control just to change some minor behavior. For example, I had to handle all keyboard functionality to make the TreeView support multiple selection.
Peter Stephens
I'll definitely download this. Thank you.

I also found this one, I just ordered it so I don't have it yet, but based on the index, it seems to go a little deeper than the ones in my question:

Professional WPF Programming

  1. WPF REFERENCE is good reference.