I want to create a web application that allows users to sign up, register a domain name and create their own website. This will be done in Ubuntu 9.10, Apache 2, Mysql 5 and Php 5.
At the moment, the only area of development I'm uncertain about is the domain name registration and mapping it to the web application.
I'm going to postpone developing the web interface that lets users register domains because I don't have the slightest idea how to do it. For the time being, I'll let an employee register the domain name on the user's behalf. I'll automate the process in te future (any advice on this matter would be appreciated). The employee will also input the registered domain name into my CMS, which will also update the Apache VirtualHost files with new domain information. I will have a cron job reload Apache every 5 minutes to capture the virtualhost changes.
Does this sound like the right approach? Will what I'm about to do be very disruptive to the server? Can anyone offer suggestions or point out issues I need to be aware of?
Additional details
the documentroot will remain the same at /var/www/public_html/websitemaker/ for all domains. I'll track user settings and styles based on the PHP's $_SERVER variable