Besides indexing which has already been suggested, you may want to also look into partitioning tables if they are large.
Partitioning in MySQL
It's tough to be specific here b/c we have very limited information, but proper indexing along with partitioning can go a very long way. Indexing properly can be a long subject, but in a very general sense you'll want to index columns you query against.
For example, say you have a table of employees, and you have your usual columns of SSN,FNAME,LNAME. In addition to those columns we'll say that you have an additional 10 columns in the table as well.
Now you have this query:
Ignoring the fact that the SSN could likely be the primary key here and may already have a unique index on it, you would likely see a performance benefit by creating another composite index containing the columns (SSN, FNAME, LNAME). The reason this is beneficial is b/c the database can satisfy this query by simply looking at the composite index b/c it contains all the values needed in a sorted and compact space. (i.e. less I/O) Even though the index on SSN only is a better access method to doing a full table scan, the database still has to read the data blocks for the index (I/O), find the value(s) which will contain pointers to the records needed to satisfy the query, then will need to read different data blocks (read more random I/O) in order to retrieve the actual values for fname and lname.
This is obviously very simplified, but using indexes in this way can drastically reduce I/O and increase performance of your database.
Some other links here you may find helpful:
MySQL Indexes - How many are enough
When should I use a composite index
MySQL Query Optimization (Particularly the section on "Choosing Indexes")