Okay, so I have another question on a prolog homework problem I am struggling with. The problem goes as follows:
Write a Prolog program that will take a list representing the bits of a binary number, and return the decimal value of the integer that the list represents.
Example: valueof([1,1,0,1],X). X = 13
So here's what I have so far:
valueOf(List, X) :- setup(List, [], X).
setup([H|T], [Y|H], X) :- setup(T,Y,X).
setup([], Y, X) :- count(Y, X, 0).
count([], _, _).
count([H|T], X, Count) :- NewCount is Count + 1, NewX is X + (H*2^Count),
Once again, I appreciate any help at all, I really seem to be struggling with this prolog stuff. Thanks.