Hello, I have gotten PartCover 2.3 and Gallio 3.1 to work through the Partcover coverage browser. When I try rerunning the command on the command line I am getting a CorProfiler is turned off, and then the report is empty? I am running from Admin shell. I also had read the following article. It says to use the /r:Local, I had to /r:IsolatedAppDomain in the broswer.
partcover.exe --target ..\gallio\bin\gallio.echo.exe --target-work-dir ..\.\product\RSINET.MVC.Tests\bin\debug --target-args /r:IsolatedAppDomain RSINET.MVC.Tests.dll --include +[RSINET.MVC.Tests]* --output ..\..\artifacts\RSINET.MVC.Tests.results.xml