



I'm piggy-backing off of

If you have two classes:

class A {
    public Long id;

class B {
    public Long id;
    @JoinColumn(name = "parent_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
    public A parent;

B -> A is a many to one relationship. I understand that I could add a Collection of Bs to A however I do not want that association.

So my actual question is, Is there an HQL or Criteria way of creating the SQL query:

select * from A left join B on (b.parent_id =

This will retrieve all A records with a Cartesian product of each B record that references A and will include A records that have no B referencing them.

If you use:

from A a, B b where b.a = a

then it is an inner join and you do not receive the A records that do not have a B referencing them.

I have not found a good way of doing this without two queries so anything less than that would be great.


+2  A: 

You may do so by specifying the fetch attribute.

(10) fetch (optional) Choose between outer-join fetching and fetching by sequential select.

You find it at: Chapter 6. Collection Mapping, scroll down to: 6.2. Mapping a Collection


I read in your question's comment that you wanted a way to perform a raw SQL query? Here a reference that might possibly be of interest:

Chapter 13 - Native SQL Queries

and if you want a way to make it possible through HQL:

Chapter 11. HQL: The Hibernate Query Language

In chapter 11, you want to scroll down to 11.3. Associations and joins.

IQuery q = session.CreateQuery(@"from A as ClassA left join B as ClassB");

I guess however that ClassB needs to be a member of ClassA. Further reasdings shall help.

Another thing that might proove to be useful to you are named queries:

<query name="PeopleByName">
from Person p
where p.Name like :name

And calling this query from within code like so:

using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
    using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction()) {
            .SetParameter("name", "ayende")

Please take a look at the referenced link by Ayende who explains it more in depth.

Will Marcouiller
I do not want to map the collection of B in A. I need a query without the mapped collection.
+1  A: 

I've made an example with what you posted and I think this may work:

select a,b from B as b left outer join b.parent as a in HQL.

I have to find a "criteria" way of doing that though.

Sorry, I misread, this isn't what you need
Maybe THIS one would do the trick: select a, b from B as b right join b.parent as a
I didn't think of a right join. As long as HQL supports right joins and I'm only using a few tables that might work. I'll give it a try.