




We know that nice looking desktop applications can be produced with SWT; there are Eclipse and Vuze as example. But are there any comparable examples of commercial desktop apps written in Swing?



+2  A: 

Check out the Netbeans platform's gallery page:

Palantir comes to mind as far as nice looking Swing applications go. They have a blog as well:

Also check out Romain Guy's blog. He used to post about any cool looking swing apps he found:

Edit: Collapp looks really nice, but it's unreleased as of yet:


A lot of Oracle's peripheral tooling (for example the designer from OWB) is done in Java and uses Swing UI components.

Do you have a link to a screenshot?
I don't think there are any screenshots in obvious places on Oracle's web site. However, all the documentation is available as PDFs from the OTN web site, and the user docs for the product may have screen shots in it.
+1  A: 

If you name Eclipse for SWT then "IntelliJ IDEA" fits your description: it's a Java IDE that has a cult following (there used to be armies of developers shelling out $499 to buy the commercial IntelliJ IDEA even tough both Eclipse and NetBeans were free, which speaks a lot about IntelliJ's quality). It's a Swing app (and now there's a free community edition) and it has a very very polished (Swing) UI.

+1  A: 

Not a specific utility, but Nimbus is a non-native new look and feel. A demo is available from the project homepage.

View more details courtesy of Jasper Potts' blog

There are some good examples out there.

+1  A: 

In my opinion, JAlbum uses a Swing UI. Another useful resource is JGoodies, which provide some swing applications which are really polished and proof that swing is neither ugly nor slow.

Frank Meißner