I'm trying to validate a input field with the JQuery validation plugin. The numeric range [range()] depends on the value of a select box. For example when the select box is "A" the range should be between 1 and 10. But when its "B" it should be between 5 and 10 and so on. I did try this with reading out the value of of the select box and call a function to validate the input, passing the minumum value.
This works but when you select "A" and you think hmm it should be "B" it still validates as "A". I was thinking about 'depends' but I only think it works on 'required'.
$("#theSelectID").change(function () {
var theValueOfSelected = $('#LeverancierID :selected').text();
case "A":
minval(1, "Null");
case "B":
minval(5, "PRCC");
function minval(theVal, theLev){
rules: {
Aantal: {
required: true,
range: [theVal, 999]
messages: {
range: "give a number between "+ theVal +" and 999."