




I have just started digging into JavaFX and have a requirement that I am not sure if I can fulfill with JavaFX. Does anyone know if JavaFX supports embedding another application (non-java, in this case a microsoft app) in a panel? I don't (at this time) have a requirement to control anything on that application, just have it run in that panel.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

Is the other application a Java program? As JavaFX supports Threads, and since you can instantiate Java classes in JavaFX, this should actually work, though this is just a guess.

Helper Method
Oops... I missed putting that info in the question. No, it is not a java application... it is (unfortunately) a microsoft one. In the end it is ok if I can't, I just need to determine if it is possible and everything I have seen so far says yes for java, no for non-java.
+1  A: 

You can embed other java applications,but certainly not other technology applications.I would rather suggest to reframe just your user interface in JavaFx as it would help you get a very rich user experience!

Good Luck!

I was looking for whether or not it was possible to embed a Microsoft app (really almost looking for a pass through to the GUI - I was going to add data via a separate service, which would cause the GUI to update). Your answer is pretty much what I figured, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks.
+1  A: 

Embeding applications into Java. Originally asked for Swing, but it is also applicable for JavaFX.

Rastislav Komara
excellent info... thanks.