I'm completely new to regular expressions, and I need to filter all the words of at least 3 characters (and a maximum size of 16) out of a text. (so I can enter those data into a MySQL database)
Currently, everything works, except for the regular expression:
(I constructed this from a tutorial found using Google ;-) )
Thanks! Yvan
Sample Data:
rjm1986 * SinuhePalma * excel2010 * Jimineedles * 209663603 * C6A7XR * Snojog * XmafiaX * Cival2 * HitmanPirrie * MAX * 4163016 * Dredd23 * Daddy420 * mattpauley * Mykillurdeath * 244833585 * KCKnight * Greystoke * Fatbastard * Fucku4 * Davkar * Banchy2 * ET187 * Slayr69 * Nik1236 * SeriousAl * 315791 * 216996334 * K1ra * Koops1 * LastFallout * zmileben * bismark * Krlssi * FuckOff1 * 1owni * Ulme * Rxtvjq * halfdeadman * Jamacola * LBTG1008 * toypark * Magicman6497 * Tyboe187 * Bob187 * Zetrox
PHP Code (yeah, I know - it's kind of sloppy - this is only used to generate the queries...)
$text = @$_REQUEST['fText'];
if ($text == '') {
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="regex" />
<textarea name="fText"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="submit"></input>
} else {
preg_match_all($_REQUEST['regex'], $_REQUEST['fText'], $matches);
header ("Content-type: text/plain");
foreach ($matches as $match) {
echo ("INSERT INTO maf_codes (Code, GameID) VALUES ('$match', %GAMEID%);\n");
Found a solution: replace the $_REQUEST['regex'] with the regex did work ;)