+2  A: 
+1 for the most simple solution :-)
Aaron Digulla
Is really simple.. but.. What if I can't do this? What if A and B are objects from a library or something like that? It still possible even without doing this?

Examine the stack with the inspect module with inspect.stack(). You can then get the instance from each element in the list with f_locals['self']

Aaron Digulla
But i want to acces the OBJECT who is calling me.. not just the name of the class.. I wan't to acces the instance
Use the inspect module to access `tb_frame` in the each item of the stacktrace and then you can find the instance in `f_locals['self']`
Aaron Digulla
+2  A: 

Here is a quick hack, get the stack and from last frame get locals to access self

class A:
    def callFunction(self, obj):

class B:
    def callFunction(self, obj):

import inspect

class C:
    def otherFunction(self):
        lastFrame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
        print lastFrame.f_locals['self'], "called me :)"

c = C()



<__main__.A instance at 0x00C1CAA8> called me :)
<__main__.B instance at 0x00C1CAA8> called me :)
Anurag Uniyal
+1 beat me to it
Aaron Digulla
+2  A: 

If this is for debugging purposes you can use inspect.currentframe():

import inspect

class C:
    def otherFunction(self):
        print inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals

Here is the output:

>>> A().callFunction(C())
{'self': <__main__.A instance at 0x96b4fec>, 'obj': <__main__.C instance at 0x951ef2c>}
Nadia Alramli