



Can anyone recommend a good, visually attractive PHP framework or application to rapidly create back office / admin interfaces to MySQL based applications.

I generally have to build bespoke back office UIs for every PHP web based application I write and wondered if there is an easier way of quickly building a web front-end to MySQL data.

Update Just to be clear I'm not looking for a framework to write code per say or an IDE, I'm looking for something to rapidly build rich graphical web interfaces.

+1  A: 

I'm not sure if you are talking about an IDE (programming application), or a PHP framework.

If you are talking about IDEs, Zend ( or Eclipse (// are the two major IDEs out there. Zend has its own framework and Eclipse allows you to use whatever framework you choose. There is also, Aptana ( and Adobe's Dreamweaver.

As for PHP frameworks, Zend has its own, but there are also CodeIgniter ( and CakePHP ( I prefer codeigniter because its more efficient and its documentation is amazing. Although CakePHP has its benefits as well, especially for rapid database development.

I was referring to frameworks or software to rapidly build web user interfaces. Codeigniter sounds interesting.
CodeIgniter is definitely my choice. My company had me research all different languages and frameworks to make a decision on what to use, of which I chose it, so I do have some experience in at least choosing the software. As for an IDE, I can't really speak...I use vim with custom macros.
How someone can prefer code messes like Cake or CI over Symfony and ZF is beyond me
Well, first off, i work for an open source company, so anything that constricted users to particular programs (especially paid ones) was not desirable.And CodeIgniter's documentation is amazing, not something I could say for Symfony when I reviewed it. That's a HUGE issue when you're trying to build an open source community.
@Gordon Why don't you suggest something else then?
@camsoft I already did in the comments to your question. Before there was any of the answers I told you you would get :)
@ocdcoder especially how does Symfony (or ZF) restrict you to particular programs? And how is less comprehensive than CIs docs?
@Gordon I'm not a big fan of function lists. Compare the two: (SF) vs. (CI)Although you are right, SF's docs are comprehensive, but not "amazing" like i described CI's :-)
+1  A: 

I think codeigniter is a good choice. Cakephp has very ambiguous documentation...

Why is CI a good choice? Because you are used to it? What RAD features does it offer?
CodeIgniter is very flexible, its documented tremendously well and has a pretty good community around it (which love to share existing libraries). Its also a lot more efficient than Cake.Some consider a downside of CI to be that you have to create your own db interactions. But I consider it a good thing, because my line of work rarely uses basic database designs. So it offers me the flexibility I need.
+1  A: 

Embarcadero's Delphi For PHP is quite good. It uses the VCL For PHP framework, and provides an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface for creating the web applications.

Jon Benedicto
+2  A: 

I'm looking for something to rapidly build rich graphical web interfaces.

The thing is, in order to have a rich UI in the browser, you either need third party plugins like Flash or Silverlight or use the traditional combination of HTML, CSS and a whole lot of JavaScript, because that is how the behavior and Ajax capabilities get into the UI components of a RIA. A serverside framework capable of creating a rich UI would have to know how to create all this. Frameworks like this do exist (GWT comes to mind), but there is no dedicated framework for this in the PHP world (at least not to my knowledge).

The notable PHP frameworks all offer rapid application development out of the box. Some of them, like Cake, Symfony and ZF (don't know about CI) even offer make-like tools to create controllers, models and view scripts through code generation, speeding up development time even more. Feature-wise, there is very little you will miss in any of them. However, none of them give you rich UIs like that of ExtJS, Dojo or jQueryUI (to name some JS framewoks) out of the box.

The three closest things to what you are looking for would be to

In addition, there is frameworks like PRADO which use their own templating language to create rich components or framework that use XUL to use the browser's native UI components. I'd categorize them as, well.. not so common.
