For an application build on Spring MVC
+ Groovy
+ Google App Engine
i need simple XML serializer/marchaller.
I'v tried:
- it doesn't work on Google App Engine, because it uses restricted (at GAE) classesJaxb2
- it doesn't work with Groovy classes, because groovy class have additional (hidden) fields (likemetaClass
, etc)XmlBeans
as I understand can be used only for deserializing from XML to Java BeansCastor
seems to be big overhead (i don't need any XMLSchema and so on)
I want to just dump class to the corresponding XML, and i want to configure tag names using some simple config (java annotations, for ex), without XMLSchema/DTD
So, requirements is:
- usable at Google App Engine
- no XMLSchema/DTD
- simple configuration
- fast
- it's enough only object->xml
- maven2 support
- groovy support (or manually configured list of used fields)
- (optional) spring integration
Can anyone recommend me an good tool for this?