



I'm trying to get up and running on Trac quickly for a pending migration. Could someone tell me how to add new users to Trac. As I understand it trac authenticates against apache, which uses a password file. I know how to use htpasswd but I don't know where the password file is. Am I going down the wrong road here?


Somewhere in your Apache configuration (like mod_python.conf) you'll have a line that specifies where the authentication file is:

AuthUserFile /var/lib/trac/your_auth_file

While you're in looking at that file, look for the base Trac directory. It may be specified as:

PythonOption TracEnv /var/lib/trac/yourProject

Once you've used htpasswd to add them to that file, you'll want to add them to Trac, so you'll need to run trac-admin:

trac-admin /var/lib/trac/yourProject

You can then issue a help command to learn how to add users to trac, etc.

Kaleb Pederson

Turns out all I needed to do was use htpasswd in the folder where my track site was. And then I was able to use the admin tool in track to give that user permission in track.

Agile Noob