I want to create a tab on a Facebook Fan page that will display a menu (PDF or embedded link to the website)...Do I use FBML for this? If so, where can I get a quick tutorial? Thank you for your time everyone!
The easiest way would be to use the Static FBML application: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?v=info&id=4949752878
This application allows you to put any valid FBML on a fan tab page.
FBML is essentially just HTML with a few custom tags. You can find a guide on it here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/FBML
Good luck!
2010-03-05 22:45:51
@Gdeglin- Hey thanks for your help! I really appreciate it. Have a good one.
2010-03-05 23:24:04
Thanks! Don't forget to accept my answer if it solved your problem. (The checkmark icon).
2010-03-06 09:01:18