
Is it possible to create and manage a group using the the facebook api

I am new to facebook application development and I am looking fro a way to create and manage a group using the the facebook api? There is a get and get list call but I have not found a way to manage groups. ...

Jquery parsing html unexpectedly and wrongly

So I have a non-jquery solution to this problem, but I would rather use jquery if there is a way, and also I am very curious as to why this is happening. What is going on is I have a facebook iframe application, and I am using facebox to dynamically load a some xfbml in an on page pop-up. Now the xfbml I have loading happens to be th...

Facebook App URL Issue

I have an FBML app and a strange thing keeps happening. If I go to http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/page2.php I just get redirected to http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/index.php It always goes back to index.php even though I specified page2.php and it is in the URL. This doesn't happen to my iframe apps. Does anybody know why it's beha...

FBJS not working in FBML application

Hi, I have created an fbml application. I have tried numerous examples of fbjs but i am unable to get it working. I am using this example <script> <!-- function random_int(lo, hi) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * (hi - lo)) + lo) } function do_colors(obj) { var r = random_int(0, 255), b = random_int(0, 255), g = random_int(0, 255...

Comment out FBML

Using <!-- fbml --> isn't working. Is there some special way to comment out FBML? ...

Do I use FBML to create a tab....

I want to create a tab on a Facebook Fan page that will display a menu (PDF or embedded link to the website)...Do I use FBML for this? If so, where can I get a quick tutorial? Thank you for your time everyone! ...

Facebook fbml add fan button to page

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to add a Fan button to a Facebook page (right next to the company name - I've seen this done on a few pages, see for example: http://bit.ly/briOvF ). I've added the FBML application though can't find a great deal of information on the code required for the actual button and then how to place the button on...

FBML is not rendered in Facebook App in iframe - please help

I'm developing an Facebook Application in PHP. It's loaded as an iframe and not as FBML. The normal interaction with Facebook works. For example the following code gives the username: $facebook = new Facebook($config->appapikey, $config->appsecret); $user_id = $facebook->require_login($required_permissions = 'email'); echo $user->name; ...

facebook application description & logo/image

is it possible to return Facebook Application Description & Logo/Image just like we can return Application Name using <fb:application-name /> ...

Using Jquery to load Facebook fb:profile-pic - not working in IE

Hey.... I followed the tips given on Loading Facebook fb:profile via ajax In my app, I am basically loading more comments posted by the user via Jquery and along with each comment showing the user's picture using the fb:profile-pic tag This is a sample of how I'm building the string via Jquery $(document).ready(function() { $(".m...

Embedding a swf using fbml in a facebook app

Hi, I am using FBML to embed a swf file into my facebook application, but it shows the message that movie is not loaded. The piece of code that I am using for this is: echo " < fb:swf imgstyle=\"border-width:3px; border-color:white;\" swfsrc='apsolute url of the .swf in the server where I am hosting' width='340' heigh...

Facebook publisher box with iframe?

I have a facebook iframe application. I wish to use the publisher box (http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Publisher), that text box in the top of the screen where users can post and also click icons of added facebook apps. Is it possible to use this box in iframe apps, or only with fbml apps? ...

facebook friend selector - display photo along with name

Hey guys I've been looking at the various fbml tags like friend-selector, multi-friend-input and friend-input. If I'm not wrong only multi-friend-input displays the profile picture of the friends. What I'm looking for is the friend selector with photo - instead of just the names showing up - the name and the photo should show up. When ...

What additional code is needed for this javascript button to work in a FBML box?

I have a button to add to my facebook business profile. The coding generated from the live chat software is in javascript as follows: !-- Begin LiveResponse Javascript Code --> script type="text/javascript" src="http://xxxxx.com/support/visitor/index.php?_m=livesupport&amp;_a=htmlcode&amp;departmentid=0"> !-- End LiveResponse Javascript...

Facebook Connect <fb:login-button> No Longer Firing Callback (As of today)

Hi All, Came into the office today to do some more work on my nearly completed Facebook Connect website application. And i have discovered for some reason, the "onlogin" event of the fb:login button FBML control is no longer getting fired!!?! To anyone else that has a Facebook Connect FBML app (and using the JavaScript API for authen...

FB:like (FaceBook like button) and problem with user face (style)

http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/941147e0eb.png I used <fb:like href="my_page_link" width="230"></fb:like> and I have problem with faces. Faces must be after title text but this does not work. How can I fix this problem? ...

Facebook application, check users likes and display message

Hey i want to check a whether a user likes a certain page and if they do i want to display a message or div? I have searched through the facebook forums for possible solutions but i never came upon anything concrete so i would really appreciate the help. ...

Facebook Fans Page, FBML: Is it possible to update the content (image and text) directly from our site(php/mysql)?

Facebook Fans Page, FBML: Is it possible to update the content (image and text) directly from our site(php/mysql)? Please help me on this.. Thanks in advance, Sandy ...

How do i track the friend invites in facebook api

i uses FBML multi-friend-selector(condensed) to display friend invite list in my app. I want to track the number of requests send at a time and update it to my DB. I have gone through api documents, but find nothing.I am using the new PHP SDK for facebook. Also i want to know if it is possible to use a custom button or image instead of ...

FBML Facebook Landing page

I'm wondering if I create a new tab on a Facebook page using FBML, how do I make this tab appear first as a landing page (rather than the wall) if the user has not 'liked' the Facebook page first? ...