
How to use XFBML.ProfilePic

I am trying to display a Facebook user's profile picture using XFBML. I am using the following code: var container = document.getElementById("profilePicture"); var profilePic = new FB.XFBML.ProfilePic(container); //profilePic.setAttribute("uid", userId); FB.XFBML.Host.addElement(profilePic); How do I set the uid attribute of the eleme...

facebook xfbml after login, get user info through javascript

i use xfbml facebook login button to authenticate user . after users entered correct password. may i know how do i use FB.Facebook.apiClient or any related javascript to get user logined information? ...

fb:serverfbml rendering bug in iPhone mobile Safari

Hi, I'm using fb:serverfbml to render an fb:request-form for an iPhone-based web-app, and I'm having some major rendering issues. fb:serverfbml does not seem to respect widths when rendered in mobile Safari; it renders the fb:serverfbml as if it had a width of around 1000px. This causes my pages which have a viewport size of 320 to sud...

Jquery parsing html unexpectedly and wrongly

So I have a non-jquery solution to this problem, but I would rather use jquery if there is a way, and also I am very curious as to why this is happening. What is going on is I have a facebook iframe application, and I am using facebox to dynamically load a some xfbml in an on page pop-up. Now the xfbml I have loading happens to be th...

Facebook Connect API not populating user data when facebook-logo="true" option is used

Hi folks, I'm working on a Facebook Connect app. I have the Connect button up and running and users can successfully authenticate via Facebook. However, I'm having trouble getting their profile picture and name to display with XFBML. Here is what I'm doing: <script type="text/javascript"> function fb_login_handler() { var userbox ...

selecting friends inside facebook iframe app

Hi all, I am trying to build a small facebook app inside an iframe. Amongst other thing the user will be able to pick a list of friends and perform a search on their content in the application. My problem is that even if the user does insert his friends name there's nothing I can do with it (Facebook let's us work only with their ids), ...

Facebook Connect XFBML not working

I'm making a website using Facebook Connect and decided to use Facebook's XFBML tags like "fb:profile-pic" since they are so easy to use. I haven't been able to make them work no matter how hard I look online but then I noticed that it worked on all the browser's instead of Firefox. I also realized that even on Facebook's own "The Run...

How to modify the content of fb:request-form dynamically using Javascript?

Hi, I would like to customize my request-form content using javascript. Say i have this in my html... <div id="invite"> <fb:serverfbml style="width: 600px; height: 650px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:request-form action="index.php" method="POST" invite="true" type="MyApp" ...

Disable redirect in fb:request-form Send/Cancel button

Hi, How do I disable the redirect in Facebook's invite form? <fb:serverfbml style="width: 600px; height: 650px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:request-form action="index.php" method="POST" invite="true" type="MyApp" content="Please hav...

How to design Simple Facebook Application ?

Hello all, I have been working on Facebook.NET SDK since last week. After some searches on internet, i decided to develop an application as iframe within xfbml for my .net site But I could not find any document for web site design ?!? I wonder that how can i prepare a site as html (for client side) like apps.facebook.com/ilike/ ? C...

Making a facebook app

I plan to make an pretty big application on Facebook. Would it be a wiser choice to get the code working on any hosted site before actually modifying it to be used in FB? or would it be too much of a pain to make the code compatible with FB? ...

How to Prompt user with permission dialog in iframe application

Hi, I am using Facebook.showPermissionDialog("read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email") to show permission dialog. Its working in FBML mode but the problem is in IFRAME mode. The below code also works fine in FBML mode but not in Iframe mode. fb:prompt-permission perms="read_stream,publish_stream, offline_access, email">Al...

NO FBML is working in iframe in facebook using PHP (ie or ff or anywhere else!)

I have tried for three days now and gotten nowhere on this.... I absolutely can not get any "fb:" code to render anything! I've tried the exact code in the sandbox and it works fine. I've read through every search result I could find and gotten nowhere... I'm using a standard xd_receiver page, and in the body there's this line: < scr...

Facebook dev - loading fbml & html code into a div in an iFrame via Ajax

I've got an iframe application that's working fine and rendering fbml in facebook. But the whole app is built using ajax calls to load large chunks of pages. Several of these have < fb: tags that aren't being rendered when they load. I tried the code below, which is then loaded into a div in my index page, but it doesn't show anything at...

Requesting extended permissions for a Facebook Connect application (xFBML)

Hello, I have an iframed xfbml application on Facebook and I am attempting to prompt users to allow "email" and "stream_publish" permissions. However, I find that for some reason my app is not allowed to ask for extended permissions. No matter what permission I attempt to prompt the user for it always pop up with "The application must...

Is it possible to avoid loading XFBML javascript when using Facebook Connect API features

The dependency graph of the Facebook libraries described in the FB_RequireFeatures documention specifies that XFBML is dependent on Connect, but not vice versa. The suggested usage they give is something like this to fire an event handler for a login button. FB_RequireFeatures(["Connect"], function() { FB.init("API_KEY", "xd_receive...

Facebook failing on XFBML call using Yii Framework

I have used this same call in other IFRAME Facebook apps, but it gives me nothing at all in terms of output. I am trying it on Yii and getting nothing. <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { FB_RequireFeatures(["XFBML"], function() { FB.init('xxxxxx', 'xd_receiver.htm'); FB.XFBML.Host.get_are...

Adding a bookmark link to a Facebook IFRAME app

I have a simple IFRAME based facebook app, with everything set up for XFBML (it's working by the way), and I want a link to add a Facebook bookmark. It sounds simple but it really doesn't seem to be. doesn't show anything, even though other tags render, so I was looking at doing it with a link instead, the way the Facebook developer ap...

Facebook Like Button XFBML comment not working

Update: Read the comments to the item marked as the answer below for the full answer. I am implementing a Like button from Facebook per this document: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like I am using the XFBML version so that users can add comments when they click on the Like button. I have imported the Facebook Ja...

fb:live-stream won't work in Chrome

The fb:live-stream tag won't work in Chrome when I add it to my facebook application. It works fine in Firefox. <div class="content"> <fb:live-stream event_app_id="1234" width="519" height="625"/> </div> Anyone already had this problem? ...