
Comments on facebook fan page: "Post comment to my Facebook profile" doesn't work

Hi there, I'd like to add a comment box on my facebook fan page. So I added on my StaticFBML page: <fb:comments xid="159887744022306"> <fb:title>Leave a comment</fb:title> </fb:comments> Where "159887744022306" is my page ID. Now it actually posts comments on the page but: The feature "Post comment to my Facebook profile" doesn't w...

Sending gift to facebook friend from external website

I tried to use XFBML: <fb:serverfbml style="width: 755px;"> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:fbml> <fb:request-form action="http://example.com/user/handleFacebookGiftSend" method="POST" invite="false" type="gifts" <fb:multi-friend-selector .................... on a webpage on my website to send virtual gift (consisting of ...