




I'm using fb:serverfbml to render an fb:request-form for an iPhone-based web-app, and I'm having some major rendering issues.

fb:serverfbml does not seem to respect widths when rendered in mobile Safari; it renders the fb:serverfbml as if it had a width of around 1000px. This causes my pages which have a viewport size of 320 to suddenly zoom out once the fb:serverfbml tag is rendered.

I'm using this syntax: This works fine in both desktop Safari and in Firefox.

In the iPhone however, this causes side effects such as the request-box being too small to read comfortably as well as the pop-up dialogs launched by the fb:request-form to be centered at around 500px which is off the screen of the iPhone.

What is the correct way to render an fb:serverfbml or fb:request-form on the iPhone?